Thursday 16 January 2014


Get a load of this! The names and addresses above are now out of date.  See below.
  This textile fair is a repeat of a very successful fair we had here in Bradford on Avon, near Bath last MAY.   We had 27 stalls with private and trade sellers, all clearing out surplus stuff from their stores, trunks and attics and we also had several hundred eager buyers who were delighted to snap up unusual and diverse bargains -  There were most interesting souvenirs of foreign travel, inherited treasures from Grannies and Aunties, all rescued from their hiding places and seeing the light of day once more.   If you would like to take part in this cheerful, informal clear-out and make some money with unwanted things, apply now by Email as I have three empty slots.  Even if you have never taken part in a sale, you will find this quite easy and good fun with lots of helpful comrades.  I will send you all details, but do not delay!  Sunday, June 15th, 2014, 9am - 3.00pm.Elizabeth Baer    Email    The fair is now fully booked, but you could always leave your name for the waiting list.


  1. Oh How I would love to attend to see the treasures

    Janice Dauksch
    Missouri USA
